Wednesday, April 9, 2014

25 Acts of Kindness

25 Acts of Kindness

1.  Helping someone with their homework
2. Saying nice comments about someone
3. Cleaning someone’s locker who needs it
4. Helping homeless people
5. Paying someone’s purchase that doesn’t have money.
6. Tutoring someone
7. Being patient
9. Sharing your food to someone who hasn't ate.
10. Helping an elderly person with their bag of groceries.
11. Doing someone a favor without anything in return
12. Writing someone a nice letter.
13. Guiding someone to their new classroom
14. Helping someone with their chores
15. Showing someone how to do something they didn't know before.
16. Saying please
17. helping someone understand a subject they're not interested in.
18. Do something for someone who don’t ask for it
19. Pick someones pencil up when they’re not able to reach
20.Helping or teaching someone how to open their locker
21. being quiet when someone else is talking
22. Trying to pick someone self-esteem up
23. Feed a homeless person
24. Babysitting someone’s kid
25. having good manners such as saying bless you to someone who sneezes

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